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We value your privacy and the confidentiality of your research. We don't collect personal data.
We don't collect the text you're editing while using ReallyWrite. In other words, the text that you put in the the ReallyWrite editor (your confidential research) stays in your browser and is not sent to us.

We collect some non-personal data for the sole purpose of improving ReallyWrite for you and other future users.

Data collected

We collect usage data when you use ReallyWrite, like how how long you use it for and how many issues it detects for you.

We collect the country you are coming from (based on IP address) and technical parameters like screen size and operating system. The ReallyWrite code may send an event to our servers when our software encounters an error.

Changes to this policy

This policy was last updated on April 3, 2024. We will update this policy from time to time if our service changes.

Contact us

If you have any questions about privacy or your data, please contact us at [email protected].