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Lesson 2: Parallelism makes the structure invisible
In this second lesson of Clarity in Academic Writing, we'll look at how you can solve many structural problems with parallelism.

is when you consciously repeat the same grammatical structure to create harmony, balance, and clarity.
Sentences are easier to read if they have the same structure–if the different parts of the sentence agree in grammatical form. This technique is called parallelism, parallel structure, or parallel construction.
We ALWAYS use parallelism with lists and comparisons/contrasts. And we strive to use it in many other places because it is naturally elegant.
Parallelism is often used differently by native and non-native speakers of English. Native speakers naturally use parallel structures constantly in their everyday language, but non-native speakers usually have to consciously work to create them.
Parallelism is a simple, elegant solution in many situations.
Here are examples of how you can use parallelism in a list, in a comparison, and across paragraphs:
Parallelism in a list
Having these cultural characteristics means that the Dutch are relatively unaccepting of power differences, value their individuality and input, and prefer to solve conflicts through negotiation and relationship building.
My objections are, first, that the measure is unjust; second, that it is unconstitutional.
We administered 10 mg of this drug intravenously, then performed a CT scan 72 hours later.
Parallelism in a comparison/contrast
Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
Surgery is recommended for high-risk patients, while therapy is recommended for low-risk patients.
Merchants, conquerors and prophets were the first people who managed to transcend the binary evolutionary division, 'us vs them', and to foresee the potential unity of humankind. For the merchants, the entire world was a single market and all humans were potential customers. They tried to establish an economic order that would apply to all, everywhere. For the conquerors, the entire world was a single empire and all humans were potential subjects, and for the prophets, the entire world held a single truth and all humans were potential believers. They too tried to establish an order that would be applicable for everyone everywhere. (Sapiens, Harari)
Parallelism across paragraphs
Autonomy was assessed with a three-item scale, based on Karasek’s (1985) job content instrument. A sample item is “I can decide myself how I execute my work”. All items were scored on a five-point scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always).
Opportunities for professional development were assessed with three items from the scale of Bakker, Demerouti, Taris, Schaufeli, and Schreurs (2003). A sample item is “I have sufficient possibilities to develop myself at work”. All items were scored on a five-point scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree).
These sentences and paragraphs can be read quickly and easily because the writer has worked hard to ensure that they are as parallel as possible.
How it works
When you use parallelism well, the structure becomes invisible to the reader so that they can focus all of their mental energy on the content of the message.
But when you are working to create parallelism from the chaos of your mind, it can be anything but easy!
Now you:
Try to notice parallelism in what you are reading today. Can you identify it easily?
“Create balance and parallel phrases and clauses after the subject; in those phrases and clauses, echo one another's sounds, structures, and ideas" (Williams, Style & Grace)
"The likeness of form enables the reader to recognize more readily the likeness of content and function. [...] The unskilful writer often violates this principle, from a mistaken belief that he should constantly vary the form of his expressions." (Strunk & White, The Elements of Style)